Post Study Work Visa – What is happening?

A lot of students have asked us “Is the Post Study Work Visa going”? Well the answer is not yet, but it is under threat.
What is happening is that the Government wants to limit the number of migrants coming to the UK. On the 7th December they have put out a set of proposals and they are consulting about them (for 8 weeks). There are a range of proposals which will affect all International Students. These are summarised on the Student Union Advice Centre Website (I will refer to this more later on).
-One of the proposals is to get rid of the PSW Visa. (This would mean that the main route for international students to get a graduate job would be via Tier 2 whereby the employer applies for the visa on behalf of the student.)
-Another proposal is to limit the amount of time a student can work part-time whilst they are studying. Under the new proposals a student could work on campus during the week in term time but only at weekends off campus.
It is not clear when any changes might take effect from.
Whether the proposals go ahead or not will depend on the outcome of the consultation and the government’s decision. A lot of people – Employers, Universities, Student Unions and Students will be responding and will obviously be very much against the changes.
The University will be making a response and the Careers Service will be part of that. The Student Union will be making a response and you can contribute to that, you can also put in your own individual response.
So this is bad news. My advice would be to make sure your voice is heard. Go to the Student Union Advice Centre website to read a summary of the proposals and put your views. Student Union Advice Centre
You can also read the full set of proposals and consultation documents on the UKBA website-
You may also want to come and talk to us at the Careers Service about your plans. If your main plan is to work in the UK it may well be wise to have secondary plans as well. We can help with this, including using ‘Going Global’ and other resources for looking for work internationally. Careers Service - International
Keep watching the news and we will obviously keep you informed of what happens with the outcome of the consultation and any definite changes as they are announced.

Sorry to end this year this year’s blog on bad news!

The Careers Service will be open again from the 4th January.

If you are in Sheffield over Christmas hope you enjoy all the additional activities that have been organised under ‘The Christmas Vacation Project’

Best wishes

Careers Service

Careers Service

1 comment:

Ilankilli said...

Thanks Judy, the update was timely given all the confusion.

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